
Tips on How to Convert 2D AutoCAD DWG to 3D in Chief Architect

Chief X1 is compatible with AutoCAD 2008 DXF format.

The New CAD to Walls feature improves 2D to 3D Conversion inside Chief Architect.

Tips on how to convert 2D AutoCAD drawings to 3D in Chief Architect

1. Trace over the imported 2D AutoCAD file using CAD snaps and dims. Chief Architect can then build the 3D model.

2. Use the improved CAD to Walls feature in X1

Tip: Layer granularity in the AutoCAD drawing will help. Make sure all entities are on a dedicated layer in AutoCAD, i.e. walls, windows, doors etc. Chief Architect can then recognize them and build the model. Coordinate the layers you will need with your AutoCAD client before they get started, if possible.

It is also possible to import your DWG as an AutoCAD 3D file.

We recommend that you download a trial version of Chief Architect to test compatibility issues with AutoCAD files. It is not possible to plot in the trial version.

Chief Architect's sales team is informative and available via the phone. Call 1-208-664-4204 for more information.

ADDENDUM: 1/30/08 - How does Chief Architect rate? - Hail to the Chief!


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